inTouch - GHC Intergenerational
“ It does us oldies a lot of good to have the young ones around! ”
- Participant
The Gateshead Housing Company is a long-standing partner of ours- Digital Voice deliver digital inclusion training for older people and learning disabled adults who need help getting online, staying safe and getting in touch with friends and family safely. There are several courses, from basic digital skills to a more advanced bespoke level. Each course is designed and tested with participants feedback and they are fun and informal with two tutors to give full support, ensuring the retention of learners.
They also asked Digital Voice to involve children, in an intergenerational six week course, who act as buddies for older people to learn digital skills by completing fun tasks in pairs. Each pair gets to know each other by completing an online questionnaire and they show each other the things they are interested in, such as favourite music or pets, online. They do creative photography tasks, maths challenges and internet treasure hunts, leaving them good friends with confidence to use technology and meet new people.
“ I’m more confident speaking in class now! ”
Feedback for the course is very positive from both generations!